About Me

My photo
Chatsworth, California, United States
I LOVE MY LIFE AS MOM AND WIFE....I am a wife, mother, teacher, lover, friend, sister, daughter, grand daughter and child of God.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year-New Theme

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Proverbs 3:3-4

Each year I like to have a spiritual theme, so on the 2nd of January I prayed and asked to God to reveal to me what that theme should be. As I was looking through the bible I came upon Proverbs 3:3-4 and felt like that was the verse that God wanted me to use as my life verse this year. It just so happens that my good friend Laura gave me a bracelet for Christmas with a similar verse and theme.

Love....believes all things, endures all things, hopes all things and bears all things. 1 Cor. 13:7.

So as I bind it around my wrist...I can meditate on what that means. This year I will working on loving people in the way God wants me to and being faithful the way God wants me to.

Monday, April 30, 2007

What I really want!!!

For the last year and a half all I have wanted is a pot rack for my kitchen. Well it finally came and I love it.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Books, Wow!

I said I love to read...but this is a little bit much. I am currently reading 5 different books. For fun I am reading "Little Men" by Louisa May Alcott, the sequel to "Little Women", also, I am reading a Christian Novel called "Divine" I got it for Chistmas from AB. I am teaching a class at our home school group and were reading "Bridge to Terabithia". My friend recommended a great parenting book called, "Don't Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman, so far this is a fabulous book too. I had already started another parenting book called "No Greater Joy". I love to read but I am having a hard time keeping up on my reading, especially since we joined the Blockbuster movie thingy...we get 3 movies at a time, I might need to change it to just 1 at a time so that I can keep up on my recreational reading. Or stop watching American Idol.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm Sick

I have had this cold for almost a week now and UGG! I hate being sick! Anyway, I am trying to lay low today so I can be better while Fred is away. Which is another thing I hate!!! Fred leaves or Central America on Monday and will be gone for 10 days, wah! I really hate to be alone, I hear all sorts of noises and stuff and can't sleep. Please pray for me next week.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ok, I will try

Well, it seems like I should really be posting about myself sometimes, so I will atempt to write all my musing here...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

100 Things

1. I love my life as mom and wife
2. I love homeschooling my 2 wonderful kids
3. I have 2 wonderful and smart kids
4. and 1 wonderfully sexy, smart, strong husband
5. he thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world and I love that!!
6. I am a Christian and very proud of it
7. I try to please God in my life
8. I love listening to music
9. I like to have lots of friends
10. My best friend just moved back from Washington
11. I have lots of best friends
12. my sisters, my mom, my sisters-in-law, my mother-in-law included
13. I am not sure I can think of 100 things about me, it may take awhile
14. My husband is a better parent than me.
15. I feel my life is so surreal
16. I did not think it would turn out so good.
17. I don't know what I thought it would be, but this is really a great life.
18. I like my little house
19. I like cleaning it too.
20. I really like cleaning and organizing stuff
21. I know that is weird
22. I am the oldest of 4 kids
23. I don't like my name
24. Or my middle name
25. I like my last name
26. I often pretend my name is Claudia
27. My friends laugh at me for this.
28. I color and cut my hair often.
29. I like change
30. I re-arrange my furniture alot too.
31. I work at church
32. and I have a love/hate relationship with that work.
33. I love being a part of the church and I like the job itself
34. I hate leaving my family early on Saturdays and holidays
35. I wear a size 10 shoe
36. I should have been 5'11"
37. I would have been a model then....
38. Good thing I am only 5'6 3/4"
39. My husband makes me a better person
40. My kids inspire me to be better
41. I love to read
42. I love to scrapbook
43. I don't scrapbook that often anymore
44. I am always cleaning or homeschooling
45. I love coffee
46. with cream
47. I am afraid of the dark
48. and earthquakes
49. I am not afraid of death
50. I have complete faith in God and His will.
51. I like to take pictures
52. not of weddings, too much work
53. I like blogging too.
54. My favorite color is pink
55. but I wear a lot of blues.
56. I am a finicky eater
57. I don't let me kids be finicky
58. I want more kids
59. 2 more would be good
60. I don't like sports
61. I am only really good at talking
62. I wish I was a better writer
63. I am truly blessed
64. I don't deserve the life I have
65. God has been so good to me and my husband
66. I don't like dusting
67. I love sleeping
68. too much...
69. I wish I had listened to my mom more...
70. like ....Don't dye your hair, you will have to keep dying it.
71. my hair is brown now, close to my natural color.
72. I am not sure what my natural color is anymore.
73. I like sour candy
74. I don't like chocolate
75. I eat fish, but don't really like it
76. I drive a mini van and love it
77. I wear jeans all the time
78. I don't like dresses and skirts that much
79. it must be from my private school days
80. I went to a private Christian school from 7th-12th grade.
81. I did not learn anything in school
82. I used to hate history
83. I love to teach and learn history
84. my kids love history now too!!!
85. I wish I exercised more
86. I don't exercise
87. I pick up after my kids a lot
88. My back and neck hurt all the time
89. I have knee pain too
90. I think I am turning into my mother
91. I don't like driving too far away
92. I carry a big purse
93. with no money in it, ever...ask my sisters and mom
94. I cried the first time my kids ate all the dinner I made for them.
95. I don't usually eat breakfast, even though I should
96. I usually have 2 cups of coffee
97. I like food that someone else had prepared better than my own.
98. I don't talk to my dad
99. I would like to.
100. I am tired now....